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Gowns to Lace

Red Deer Events

I want to be on a plane to New York to go see the Proust’s Muse exhibit, but here I am, at college, writing this. Even being on the plane writing this as a prelude to this amazing fashion event based off of Marcel Proust’s character Duchesse de Guermantes (from his book In Search of Lost Time), would be better.

But no. I am stuck in Red Deer where the only fashion like show was a wedding event where businesses from cake designers, flower shops, and caterers get together to advertise what they have to offer brides to be. Seems interesting enough. Loved to have went, but happened months ago and I missed it.

Having seen the gowns from Proust’s Muse and seeing that Red Deer did in fact have an annual fashion event, I wanted to see what gowns the wedding shops in Red Deer have to offer. I was debating on going to one and pretend that I was getting married within the next year. I wanted to get the full experience, but then I thought what a waste of time it would be for the sales people, I went against that. They didn't need to spend time on someone with no money. And along with this, it would be pretty obvious I wasn't actually shopping for a wedding dress when I don’t own the proper undergarments. I looked it up. Too pricey for me to invest in just to do something like this.

I then debated on just going in and asking about the shop. See what designers they have, where they get their gowns and what brides would need to know before going in, but there was another down fall. I really don't want to loose the excitement for when the time comes for me to get married. I've already lost some of the excitement from looking at fashion critically. I really want to leave that moment for that special day.

Another kaiboshed idea.

I was still curious to what wedding shops they have here in Red Deer so looked at what they have on their sites. It seems that the theme for wedding dresses right now is lots of lace and after seeing so many gowns, I wanted to get something elegant and pretty. I don't really go for that kinda thing. Normally I go for styles that are more punk, so I only wanted this item to be more personal and small. I decided the right decision was go to head to the fabric store as is the decision for anyone interested in a fashion event and have very little options.

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